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Week 8 – Facial Expressions

This week, I chose to take a break from watercolour. I’m quite busy this week since it’s Christmas, but next week, I promise I’ll pitch you my great idea.

This week, I decided to play around with facial expressions from the TV series, Wednesday. All characters, regardless of what kind of arts portrays them, all have a lot of background. I chose Wednesday mostly because I just finished watching it and the characters are still fresh in my head. Each of these drawings took me around 5-10 mins to complete. Please note that all reference photos used for guideline were only to follow the hairstyle or clothing choices. All facial expressions were of my own attempt.


Wednesday was the first character I chose to draw. She’s very self-centered and doesn’t care what other people think, somebody that I look up to. Usually she’s expressionless in the episodes, but I wanted to draw her with a grim or disgusted expression since I haven’t had much experience in it. I think it turned out great. If you’re wondering where the braids went, I chose to draw it at the dance, when her hair was up. Some areas of improvement could be that her hair can be more evenly coloured, as it looks imbalanced. Her right eye is also kind of smudged and the eyelashes are a bit all over the place. The expression has been made very well, I’m extremely content. Would rate this experience a 9/10.


Xavier is a wrongly accused student, because Wednesday always jumps to conclusions. He ends up in chains and I thought that it would be a great way to demonstrate his fear at that moment.

To be honest, I thought at the start that I was drawing a girl. I drew the eyes and immediately was determined that he was a girl. To even it out, I squared his jaw more and made his hair more messy. Out of all the people I drew, I definitely liked his nose the most. It’s very symmetrical and nice overall. To draw his expression, I looked into a mirror and tried to act out the expression. It helped a lot with the mouth since I’m not very great in that portion. I also loved how I drew the lips, as they fade out very well. Previously, I’ve been drawing mouths as lines, and I’ve just recently (around a month ago) started to draw in this semi-realistic style so I’m fairly new. His eyes ended up matching well in the end, and the expression was really on-point. I enjoyed this one a lot! Would rate it a 10/10.


Enid is very different from the other characters in the show. She has a bubbly personality and her side of the room is extremely different to Wednesday’s. She has a very sincere look in the drawing, which was not 100% my goal. I think I wanted her to be more happy and bright than sincere. Her eyelashes look great and the blush is pretty cute. I had troubles with her hair, of which I followed a reference regarding the hairline. There is a lot of skills to work on with positive expressions. Over I would rate this a 8/10.


Tyler’s was DEFINITELY the most difficult out of all of them. I wanted him to have an evil, but not too evil expression. Like one with revenge. Did it turn out like I planned? Sorta. The eyes and eyebrows were definitely how I imagined, but the lips are a bit off. I wanted them to have a smile curling at the lips, but it just ended up looking like he looked betrayed. His hair is one of the hardest hairstyles I have ever tried to draw since it’s random. The curls go all over the place! I can’t even think of where to place them! On a brighter note, I do love the lips. Unlike it’s failed attempt at a expression, it’s very full and I liked the blending of them very much. his mouth it open just the slightest crack, but we can see those picture-perfect teeth underneath. This definitely didn’t turn out as well as I hoped, so I would give it a 6/10.

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