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Week 1 – What is this project about?

I’m back! I’m quite unsure what genius hour I should do, but I do have one, and only one, in mind. The genius hour topic that I think is great is…

Time Management!

Normally, people choose a very specific topic as their focus and then also incorporate time management into it, but looking back at my last genius hour, I realized I spent so much time on how to draw that I completely forgot about time management!

I also found out that I do not do well with only doing one certain thing for the whole genius hour, as I get bored really easily. So, to conquer that and not change the final end goal every 2 weeks, I think that to put the whole genius hour as Time Management is better.

Steps (Ideas)

Some steps, aka. some topics that I might look in to include:

  • regulating screen time/efficient use of technology
    • regulating social media/time wasting apps
    • exploring apps that will help me benefit from
  • daily schedule breakdown (how it is to be Rachel)
    • what I am doing on a daily basis
      • what I should be doing on a daily basis
    • include all the days (Sunday-Saturday)
  • hobbies (because we all need some happiness)
    • journaling
    • spending time outdoors
  • timing my life around my extracurriculars
    • being ready to change my schedule to be more fitting to the situation
  • changing my lifestyle as extracurriculars stop for the summer
  • efficient note-taking (aesthetic notes)
    • understanding what is more important
    • studying
      • schoolwork
      • extracurriculars
      • others (homework from home)
  • clean workspace
  • regular intake of downtime
  • how to decrease stress levels and stay calm
    • different breathing methods

I will add more if needed. Keep in mind that I will definitely not be doing all of the ideas listed on here, so don’t be too excited…

Materials needed

Time is the most important material needed in this project. Not only is it literally in the name, “TIME Management”, but it is also something that we only lose, so we must use time very carefully. I haven’t used time very carefully, so that is a main reason why I want to do a project involving time management.

I also need anything that can help me study and be more efficient, such as my iPad, which I hope with help me, not harm me. I also need materials that will be needed in my hobbies (that hopefully won’t take up too much time).

What will I need help with?

I will need help with some topics that I don’t understand. A part of my project is studying for extracurricular and extra topics. This will include more challenging topics that I may not understand, such as complicated mathematics.

I believe I also need help with some different ways of studying. I know many successful people (and soon-to-be successful people) that I would like to get a view on how they, as an individual, study and succeed. So far, the study method I use can be better.


I have this awesome idea, which I sort of mentioned in the previous paragraph, on how I want to interview some experts on study methods. I already have two definite people in mind, but I also know that those people know more people who could potentially be on the list. As soon as I get this project started, I should contact one of them to see their response. That way, I can spread out the different viewpoints of the experts and also be able to try out some of their recommended study methods (if they provide any).


I think that this idea is a good one for me, because not only will I benefit from it A LOT, but I hope it will also be engaging.

I think it already is, because I’m sitting here, at my desk, on a Wednesday night, writing a paragraph for genius hour, at 11:14 P.M.

Anyways, I hope that, because of all the different kinds of topics and ideas that I’m trying out, you will be engaged in my journey this genius hour. Because we are starting…

Genius Hour Number 2! Time Management!

Goodnight! (Or good morning, good noon, good afternoon, good dawn, good dusk, I really don’t know what time it will be when, or if, you read this)

Published inGenius HourTime Management

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