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Week 3 – Started


This week, we will continue our imitation of SamDoesArt’s style. This is a good starting point for me as I like the style and it is a hard obstacle to pass. I will require a lot of skills that his style has, as it has a lot of rendering, which is basically making a thing look more life-like. From last week, we have deducted that I somehow need to make it more 3D, as right now it looks very 2D. I think I can fix this with more lively colours (brighter than usual).


I tried to pick a picture with a lot of lighting to help me work on rendering. Again, only the face will be used.

Reference Photo 2

I will be using this reference photo from SamDoesArt. I try to find a similar angle the face is shaped in. (I can flip it visually to match my photo).

The Process?

Since I went in-depth with my art process last week, I will just post the final product and video this time along with my commentary on the side… My only question as of now is why the girl is holding a stack of paper?

It’s been a day and here’s my current progress:

I think it is disastrous as of now. I don’t think I managed to capture the look using the eyes and the skin lighting is way too red. I’ve decided to finish the hair but not continue the face area for now.


After careful consideration, I have decided to maybe restart this project. It is not uncommon to have unfinished projects in the world of art, but I try to complete every piece. I will put this on the half finished pile of works and start a new one since I want to have a new clean slate to work on.

Reference Photo 3

This time, I’m going to try lineart. I’ve not really had much success with it before, but this time I will approach it differently. I ‘m going to use the first sketch I make as the final lineart for the project, just like traditional art. I’ll also try to use the same layer for the whole thing (maybe).

An issue I am experiencing as we start is the brush is very small, which isn’t good since that will make me want to make it perfect, as an avid perfectionist I am. I think digital art is more enjoyed far away, since screens aren’t big, therefore there shouldn’t be any small details as it is a “waste of time” and very annoying to me. Part of this issue is probably coming from the ability to zoom in, which does not help.

[Future Rachel Here] I have lost interest in this piece, but I will show you what I had. It’s main affect was drawing the nosebridge which is affected in my sketches.

At the time, I really loved how the nosebridge looked. It seemed so organic and it really was my vibe. It also made mapping out the different parts of the face easier.

Published inGenius Hour


  1. Mrs. Englot

    Any thoughts on why you feel the need to complete each one?

    • rachelott22

      I try to finish every one since I usually leave it out on my workspace until I am finished so if I don’t finish, then I’m wasting space. My apologies with this blog post, it’s clearly cut-off mid-sentence. I clearly forgot to save, or maybe even forgot about it entirely!

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